Journalism engages students in courses that build knowledge and skills in writing, reporting, and producing socially responsible and responsive news in today's converging multimedia landscape. Students learn to exercise news judgment, honor the tenets of journalism, and create news for and with audiences across traditional and emerging digital media platforms. Students gain hands-on experience early on and throughout their tenure with WUTV, The West Georgian and WOLF Radio.

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For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program map, which provides a guide for students to plan their course of study, is available for download in the Courses tab below.


Coursework for majors with a concentration in Journalism are listed below. Please refer to the program checklist for a complete summary of all course requirements including core curriculum, electives, required and elective major courses. More information may also be found at Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications or your Undergraduate Catalog.



These courses are required for all Mass Communications majors. In addition to the General courses below, 6 hours of Foreign Language (1000 or 2000 level) and 3 hours of a Humanities or a Social Science elective must be completed (18 total hours):

A study of the principles and practice of public speaking with an emphasis on the organization of material and the vocal and physical aspects of delivery in various public speaking situations.

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An introductory, yet critical examination of the historical development, and paramount economic, legal/policy, ethical, political, and social effects issues concerned with mass media, i.e., books, newspapers, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television, the internet, public relations, and advertising. Particular attention given to competition, convergence, and mass media's impact on society, as well as society's impact on mass media.

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Examination of the major classical and contemporary ethical philosophies. Application of ethical decision-making models to media issues, particularly freedom of speech, economic pressure, invasion of privacy, and the public's rights.

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Major Required

These courses are required for Mass Communications majors with a concentration in Journalism. Students may choose one of the two course options for practicums (COMM 4421R or COMM 4421T); one of two of the course options for layout (COMM 3303 or COMM 4403); and one of the two course options for writing and reporting (COMM 3302 or COMM 4402) (24 total hours):

Students will learn what journalists do, how they do it, and how to do it themselves. The course investigates procedural, legal and ethical ramifications of newsgathering, introducing feature style methods and instructing students how to write news briefs and inverted pyramid stories for publication using AP style.

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This foundational writing course explores writing for various media platforms and how it fits into an integrated and strategic communication plan. Students learn practical and foundational techniques used in producing ethical traditional, social, and digital media written content that promotes audience engagement and education, with a strong emphasis on adherence to journalism standards and Associated Press Style.

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Basic editing and makeup procedures for newspapers and other print publications. Includes copy editing, headline writing, page makeup, and basic graphic principles.

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Instruction in the operation of television studio and digital video technology and introduction to the production of television and digital video messages. Emphasis on electronic newsgathering, television studio production, and digital video editing techniques.

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Application and analysis of feature writing techniques for arts and entertainment coverage, sports coverage, personality profiles, reviews and long-form journalism with an emphasis on AP style.

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A study of the history, techniques and importance of photographs for the print media, along with their evolving role in convergent and online media, including analysis of the aesthetic and social impact of photographs. Practice in the production of documentary photographs appropriate for print and online news delivery, as well as the photographic essay, using digital photography and digital editing tools.

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Practical experience with the campus newspaper, The West Georgian, that primarily includes general and specialty news writing and reporting on deadline, editorial decision-making, interviewing, copy editing, photojournalism, and layout and design across traditional and emerging digital media platforms. Emphasis is placed on news style and judgment, localization, and ethical and legal issues. Repeatable; Maximum of 3.0 credits hours may be applied to the Mass Communications major.

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Practical experience with the campus television station, WUTV, that primarily includes anchoring, directing, editing, field and studio camera operation, news gathering, producing, reporting, scripting, studio and field production, and switching across traditional and emerging digital media platforms.

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Practice in writing for electronic media and digital platforms according to the styles, techniques, and formats that integrate audio video, photo and text. Particular attention is given to news judgement as well as aesthetic, ethical and legal issues. Ability to shoot and edit field video is required.

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Examination of the legal context regulating print, telecommunication and electronic media as well as advertising and public relations industries. Emphasis on libel, slander, privacy, copyright, free press/fair trial and obscenity law. This course is restricted to Seniors.

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A survey of qualitative and quantitative research methods, data analysis and reporting procedures, including opportunities to conduct, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate research.

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The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications requires that graduates of accredited programs be aware of certain core values and competencies and be able to:

  • apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, in a global context, and for the country in which the institution that invites ACEJMC is located;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the multicultural history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications;
  • demonstrate culturally proficient communication that empowers those traditionally disenfranchised in society, especially as grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and ability, domestically and globally, across communication and media contexts;
  • present images and information effectively and creatively, using appropriate tools and technologies;
  • write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve;
  • demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity;
  • apply critical thinking skills in conducting research and evaluating information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they work;
  • effectively and correctly apply basic numerical and statistical concepts;
  • critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness;
  • apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.